Seoul, Korea, December 02, 2022 – (SEAPRWire) – Korean startup CloudN Co., Ltd., which is working towards a sustainable future with its ‘Building Energy Management System,’ announced that it has entered the Thailand market with support from the Korean government and NIPA (National IT Industry Promotion Agency). CloudN hosted a demonstration session on the application of its energy management platform on November 23rd at the Carlton Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.

About 40 domestic and foreign officials attended the session, including personnel representing BJC Group, Asset WORLD Corporation, Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) of Thailand, National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) and Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA).
CloudN’s project is promoted as part of the Korean government program to support the growth and global expansion of excellent Korean SMEs in the D.N.A. (Data, Network, and AI) fields, helping them more easily enter overseas markets through partnerships with large corporations in Korea.
The pilot services and the commercialization of energy management technologies were conducted for buildings in Thailand.
CloudN completed the construction of an energy management platform and is operating it at the Big C Extra Ladphrao stores in Bangkok, Thailand, through collaboration with MiraeBM, an energy-savings company, and Han Jung Engineering, an automatic control company.
The introduction of the platform at Big C stores is expected to reduce electric energy usage by 15% per year, reducing energy costs by KRW 150 million per store and KRW 23 billion per year for 150 stores.
As a 30% increase in electricity bills is expected in Thailand next year, after the demonstration session, there was a signing of a business agreement to conduct a Proof of Concept (PoC) in the first half of next year to introduce 1,500 air conditioner management technologies at mini BigC convenience stores operated by BJC Group.
The Building Energy Management System, or BEMS, is a state-of-the-art ICT system that collects and analyzes energy usage data in real time through sensors attached to main spaces and facilities in buildings to reduce energy consumption and maintain a pleasant indoor environment.
The global BEMS market is growing by more than 19% annually. The growth center of the market is shifting from North America to Asia, with the Asian market growing at an annual rate of more than 30%. However, despite these circumstances, the introduction of BEMS to existing buildings has been scarce, and most of them are limited to the new public building market.
CloudN’s specialized “BEMS” is attracting attention because it is easy to install in existing buildings, and it plans to explore markets in other Southeast Asian countries, such as Vietnam and Indonesia, which have high energy costs due to weak energy infrastructure.
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Brand: CloudN
Contact: Sang-Su, Jeon, Team Manager
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